Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Milliard Reading Pillow

Price: $39.99

Material: Memory Foam

Power Source: N/A

Basic Description: this is a standard reading pillow. it has a nice firm but has a soft backing and 2 armrests.

Pros: it provides support for when you want to try positions that involve sitting up. it is cushiony and because it is made from memory foam it molds to your body.

Cons: if you need a lot of support to sit up this might be the best for you,

Accessibility Features: your partner can use it and you can lean on them without them having to help much leaving their hands free for fun. also if you need just a bit of support with sitting up this pillow would be awesome for you.

Ponderings: tools for sex don't always have to be toys, they can be pillows, wedges, and anything you might need to help you have the best sex you can have.