Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Satisfyer High Fly Finger Vibrator by Adam and Eve

Name: Satisfyer High Fly Finger Vibrator

Price: $27.92

Material: Silicone and plastic

Size: 2.7in x 1.98in x 1.08in

Power Source: Rechargeable USB

Basic Description: This very versatile toy has five speed settings and five pattern settings. It is shaped to fit your body. It is waterproof, so you can have fun in the shower or bath. It has a pointed tip for more precise placement. But it also has wings that can stimulate sensations over a wide area. It is for all bodies and body parts.

Pros: This toy is very lightweight. It could also easily fit in your underwear for a more hands-free experience. The shape fits in your palm well, so it’s gripable. The button is fairly easy to press, and one single button controls everything. It is fairly strong, especially for its smaller size.

Cons: If you like internal stimulation, this is not the toy for you. Also, the plastic strip creates two very small rough-feeling spots where it meets silicone at the base of the toy.

Accessibility Features: This toy is versatile, can be worn in underwear, is lightweight, and is graspable - which all make it accessible.

Ponderings: If you want a toy that is for external stimulation and works with many body parts, this could be the toy for you!

Ratings: 4 (♿♿♿♿ out of 5 wheelchairs)