Name: Oral Sex Strips
Price: $5
Material: Edible sheet
Size: 1inch long
Power Source: NA
Basic Description: These are minty strips to enhance oral sex. You put one on your tongue, then perform oral for a minty sensation. There are 7 strips to a pack.
Pros: They are easy to eat. You don't have to chew or suck on them; they just dissolve. If your partner likes a cooling sensation, then this might be the product for you.
Cons: They taste like gum and have a very slimy texture while dissolving. These strip's ingredients include several chemicals. If you are sensitive to chemicals, these may not be the product for you.
Accessibility Features: They are easy to eat without needing to chew.
Ponderings: If you want a product that could enhance your oral sex experience, and you don't mind the chemicals, this might be a good option for you.
Ratings: ♿ (1 out of 5 wheelchairs)