Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Palm Power by Jellywink Boutique

Palm Power

Price: $76

Material: ABS plastic, Silicone

Size:  Length: 7.5" inches, Width: 1.6" inches

Power Source: USB rechargeable 

Basic Description:
This cute little wand packs a punch! It has quite the motor for such a small wand. It does not have any pattern modes,  you just hold the button down to increase the speed of the vibration. This wand is also waterproof, so you can enjoy it in the bath if you want!  It has a very flexible neck as well! It also has a travel lock feature, so it won't turn on when you don't want it to! 

Pros: The biggest pro of this wand is the size of the toy for the power you get from it! I have never seen a wand of this size have such powerful vibrations! The size is also good for people who need small toys. This toy also only comes with 1 button that lets you turn it on/off and scan through the speed settings with ease. The fact that the neck is also flexible really helps with putting it where you need it! Also because the head is small, that might also help with positioning compared to other wands that have pretty bigs heads usually.

If you like vibrators with patterns, this toy does not have any. The handle is thin and tapered, which might be good for some people, but could also be not that great for others. This toy also comes with a removable silicone cap on the head of the wand, I'm not sure what to think of this or what the purposes serve besides maybe cleaning it? However, since this toy is marketed as waterproof, it does raise some concerns. 

Accessibility Features:
The size of this toy, the power for the price, and the flexible neck/easy-to-use button, all make this toy fairly accessible! 

Ponderings: If you want a small affordable wand that still is very powerful and pretty easy to use if you have decent handgrip/coordination, this is an excellent option! 

Ratings: ♿♿♿♿  (4 out of 5 wheelchairs)