Friday, February 21, 2020

Let's Fool Around! The Game by Adam and Eve (part 1)

Name: Let's Fool Around! The Game (Sexy Dice)

Price: $14.99 (comes with card game - will be in a separate review)

Material: Plastic

Power Source: N/A

Basic Description: This is a fun sexy game that can be played with 2-4+ people. It comes with 4 dice that represent parts of the body (Back, Chest, Face, Penis/Clitoris, Inner Thighs, Lips), and one silver action die (Stoke, Suck, Blow On, Kiss, Lick, Tickle). How it works, is each player selects one of the body part dice to represent them in the game. Players take turns rolling all of the dice in play, which will land on a body part. Once everyone has rolled the body dice, one of the players rolls the sliver action die. Then they choose who they perform the action on in accordance with the body part listed on the die that represents that player.

Pros: Because not many people with disabilities have good sex education or people that they can talk to about sex, they often don't know what they like even when they want to have sex or be intimate. So I think this game is a great way for someone to explore what they like! It is fun and not very intimidating, so it could be a great tool! The dice is easy to hold and lightweight, you could even put them in a cup if that makes it easier for you to roll it. If you have preferences in where you do and don't like to be touched or stimulated, you can always assign different meanings to the die to better suit your preferences and needs.

Cons: If you do not have a way to either roll the dice (adaptively, with assistance, or otherwise) you might have a difficult time trying to play this game.

Accessibility Features: Figuring out what you like can be a daunting task, but a game like this makes it fun, easy, and a little more accessible!

Ponderings: If you want a flirty game that helps you explore your sexuality and body, or just want something cute to play with your partner(s), this a very fun and affordable game.

Ratings: ♿♿♿♿ (4 out of 5 wheelchairs)